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Google Website Traffic – Let’s Get Some

Google Website Traffic – Let’s Get Some

Every man and his dog would like to get  some free Google website traffic, I’m sure.  Why not, with the massive amount of traffic directed through the Google search engine there is plenty for all to share in a slice of that traffic pie. The question to look at here is, if we are to indeed get a slice of that pie, what will help us get our website listed high enough in the search engines so that people will actually know that we exist!

Believe it or not (now I sound like Ripleys), it is quite an achievable thing to do, and if you do your homework correctly, you will find that you will get listed in no time at all. It all starts with your research, what-ever product or service you want to promote,then this is the first critical step.

It will benefit you immensely if you were to have a look for the most popular  keywords people were using to try and find your type of product or service. There is no need to buy expensive software or programs to help you find them, there are quite a few free tools on the Google website. Yes, they are free, I know what you are saying, ‘if its free it can’t be any good’. Quite the contrary, the Insights tool (do a generic search for it), it one of the best methods to use to find out what the hottest key words are. Not only that, but it is accurate and up to date.

Once you have found your hot keyword, then all you need do is to write a small article about your product in general and use your new-found key words in your article. Remember, these are the keywords that people are actually using to find your type of product right now! So it stands to reason, that any search engine is going to take particular interest in those articles that contain the keywords people are look for. I think the term I’m looking for here is ‘Relevance’.

This is one method that works really well, I can assure you to get some google website traffic. Using this method , I got listed on Google search engines in the first page for the key words I used, not only that, but my website was listed Twice on the first page and Three of my articles were also referenced on the first page. It was a similar story with Yahoo search engine.

Rob Hillman is a Google Website Traffic enthusiast. To find out more about Google Website Traffic please visit Criminal Background Check Pa Free The right Criminal history check Websites The definition from a criminal history check …