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Features That Make HTML5 Beneficial

Features That Make HTML5 Beneficial

PSD to HTML5 is a new formatting language and a revised version of HTML or hypertext markup language. HTML5 within a short time period has become highly popular than HTML. Advanced features of HTML5 include storage, cross compatibility, browsing, device support and SEO. In this article, we would discuss the features that make HTML5 beneficial.

Storage capacity

A new capability and interesting feature of HTML5 is the good storage capacity with the users. This new feature for storage from concept of cookie storage and client database with offline storage are better and becoming more popular. Cookies concept creates more capacity from 5mb to 10 mb, is open for multiple windows with better safety and high performance option. The storage capacity for HTML5 is independent of cookie deletion and there is no loss of information or data even after being offline.


From HTML5 the conversion follows new websites that are more interactive and full of animation. HTML5 supports animations created from a new drawing tag feature. Drag and drop options from HTML5 provide file handling to new user defined locations. HTML5 is packaged with plenty of new advantageous API’s making the website’s more popular and interactive.

Advanced accessibility

The websites created from HTML5 conversion are highly accessible from compatibility with web browsers like Mozilla, Google chrome, IE and Opera. Conversions are clear and simple with improved codings. Supports both doctype  coding and standard coding. Benefit of HTML5 coding is the fact of non – essential exigent update capability that is required or displayed by most of the browsers.

Technique to conversions

The websites from HTML5 are created from a qualitative technique where the coding about a decade earlier were only academically styled. With the technique of cheap course purses outlet, website creations are more easily styled and presentable from a given new styled manner.

Mobile browsing

HTML5 conversions are compatible with mobile screens and browsing. These websites are highly functional with mobile browsing. Meta tags available with the mobile browsing include customizing the website for mobile versions. These meta tags include view port with width and zoom, full screen browsing with full screen mode, icons for home screen on android and other mobile devices.

Geolocation  functionality

Geolocation functionality for new website creation through HTML5 brings more users to determine an exact location on GPS and WiFi signals. The conversions process from HTML5 includes a geo-location API with included process of user location. Geolocation function from HTML5 is a new add-on with website and increases value of website conversion from HTML5.

Device support

HTML5 supports new technological devices and software support like web based cloud computing and a new device system support. The conversions from HTML5 are based on multimedia support to handheld devices for third party audio and video supports to multimedia players.


The websites created from HTML5 conversion are high on search engine capability. This search engine friendliness leads to websites being searched and increasing the rank of the website. This leads to more traffic being routed to these websites created from HTML5. Better SEO and ranking possibilities make HTML5 a more reliable option for website conversion.

Support features

HTML5 conversion includes a whole amount of new features like better web sockets, flowchart availability, placeholder, email inputs, hgroup and data caching from the client side. Support features also include attractive graphic features, error handling, flow charts and 2D games with numerous add-ons for an increasing and evolving user experience.


The website conversions from  PSD to HTML5 benefits from numerous features over HTML. In this article, we have discussed the features that make PSD to HTML5 beneficial. Readers of the article are invited to submit their comments and views.

About the Author :- Praveen Singh works as Senior Technical Writer with PSD to HTML Companies. He specializes in Social Media, Content Management and SEO. He shares information and insight on the PHP-based CMSs like WordPress and Joomla. PSDtoHTML Companies provides a comprehensive list of PSD to HTML service providers.