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Joomla Vs Drupal

Joomla Vs Drupal


Flexibility & Power

Joomla can be made a flexible and Powerful framework with various modules or plugins supported. We can do Joomla Customization them according to our Needs, but Drupal has a Powerful Framework right out of the Box. Drupal has these Views, CCK and Panels that give a great advantage over any other CMS in here. It can be made even more flexible and Powerful with some additional modules to the Drupal Customization. Joomla Developers design and develop their own architecture and framework with very little flexibility that satisfies the requirement at that moment, but it’s not going to be a solution for Future Proofing. Hence Drupal has a better upper hand when it comes to Flexibility and Power.


When it comes to Performance, Hands down it’s Drupal the winner. Drupal Support for the Latest trend in the Web Application Development and it’s robust framework gives Drupal a strong base to handle any kind of stress. On the other hand Joomla Support, Having boosted it’s performance with utilizing these updates quite a bit. Joomla still lags behind in performance when compared Drupal

Learning Curve

Drupal supports easy to use Interface and ability to create and delete contents in Graphical Mode, Even then Drupal bit Heavy for anyone who wants to learn Drupal Development. Its Graphical interface is bit complex and beginners are prone to make a lot of mistakes without proper guidance and support.

Joomla has the graphical that is much popular and pretty straight forward, Joomla Development is much simple and easy for any beginner work with.


Both Drupal and Joomla supports adding templates to its core. There are many sites that offer these templates for these CMS. Drupal theming companies are simply not up to the mark. What is required for a Template designing is that it emulates the requirements for the top web sites around the globe and, bundles modules, blocks that would work out-of-the-box to give businesses a head-start. That’s why Drupal Developers face a tough time in Theming a custom design for Drupal when compared to Joomla. Drupal uses smarty template whereas on the other hand Joomla does not. Joomla has various default template stacks that has various themes and Galleries modules. There is a vast number of Joomla Developers creating Templates for Every need.

Code Developers

When it comes to coding, The Drupal developers have to follow the standards in one way or the other, so they are much skilled and Professional. Drupal support team and Drupal Developers are much standardized while compared to the Joomla Support Team and the Joomla Developers. Joomla still needs to keep standards for coding structure.

Avenir Professionals are expertised in CMS for Drupal Support, Joomla Development, Magento Support, OsCommerce Customization, WordPress Development and many more. – Discusses CMS Comparison: Joomla vs. Drupal vs. WordPress. is a Joomla tutorial website that provides Beginner …
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