If you are an online network marketer, you will want to make sure your MLM WordPress blog does a very good job accomplishing some key tasks. Some of these tasks include SEO, user-interaction, and visitor tracking. Luckily, there are plug-ins to assist you to get an A+ on your WordPress report card. They can also make your life a lot easier as a blogger when posting content or cutting back on spam.
Below I listed some of the most popular plugins used by MLMers:
Google XML Sitemaps: Makes an XML sitemap for Google, Bing and Co., which makes it easier for them to index your site.
Dagon Design Sitemap Generator: Generates a Sitemap for your users.
All-In-One SEO: Automatically optimizes your site for the search engines.
WP Greet Box: Displays a greeting box to users from wherever they came from (e.g. “Hello Twitter friend” or “Hello Facebook friend”)
Thank Me Later: A plug-in that automatically sends an email to a user thanking them for their comment. The cool thing about this plug-in is that it does not act “automatic” by sending an Email right away. It’s one sly fox and will wait a day or two. You write the Email so include any links or courses of action you would like the user to take.
Dashboard Post-It: Will add an area in your WordPress dashboard where you can write any notes or ideas you have for your site. This way you have no excuses for forgetting that cool article idea of yours.
Youtuber : Easily embed Youtube videos into your posts.
Akismet: Protects your blog from comment and trackback spam.
Google Analytics: inputs a tracking code into your Blog’s source code, which will enable you to gather data on a plethora of different things including amount of visitors, pages/visit, bounce rate, average time spent on site, etc.
OnlyWire: A very cool plugin which will automatically syndicate your posts to the different social media sites.
Optimal Title: Optimizes your posts’ titles for the search engines.
What Would Seth Godin do?: Uses cookies to distinguish returning visitors from newcomers. It will ask newbies to subscribe to your RSS feed for their first five visit (you can customize this message, the lifespan, and the location). As for return visitors, you can give them any message you would like!
Some of these may not be a good fit for your MLM WordPress blog so use your common sense when deciding which plug-ins to install. Furthermore, if there is an additional enhancement you would like to make, chances are, there is a plug-in available to assist you. Installing them is a cinch. Simply go to “add new” under “plugins” and search for them by name or by tag.
Click on the following link for additional tips on how to MLM on WordPress. I immerse myself in this stuff daily and I’d be happy to help you guys if you need a hand! I learn a lot from the MLSP community, which is a collection of internet marketers. We would love to have you!
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