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Using Guitar Video Tutorials For Beginners And Intermediate Playing

Using Guitar Video Tutorials For Beginners And Intermediate Playing

One of the huge advantages today for anyone looking to learn to play guitar is the many thousands of guitar video tutorials available online. Beginning to learn to play guitar is an eye opening experience, because when you see guitarists playing and performing you tend to assume it’s relatively easy. After all, most professional guitarists and performers seem fairly relaxed, and their hold on the guitar and positioning of their hands seems relaxed and natural.

It’s only when you first hold a guitar and try to contort your fingers into position you realise just how difficult it is. First of all you have to work out how the tab diagrams correspond to the strings, frets and fingers, and once you’ve achieved this you then have to work out how to get your fingers into those positions. You’ll usually find your wrist straining for some time, and you may even wonder whether you were born with extra short fingers, but had never previously noticed.

Although this period of time doesn’t last for long if you practise regularly, it is an inevitable part of the learning process, and a stage that sees many people being put off. But it’s in these early days of learning to play guitar that it is very easy to start to develop bad habits. If you adapt your own tab positions and hand positions because of comfort and convenience then you may find that not only is the quality of the sound less than ideal, but moving from one tab or chord position to another is not as smooth and doesn’t provide the same level of performance as you hear from other people playing.

This is why it is now such a good idea to take advantage of some of the really good guitar video tutorials online. There really is no better way to learn guitar tabs than seeing someone else do it, with a guitar, and going step by step through the process, demonstrating how to hold the guitar, and how to move from one tab to the next. This makes a good deal more sense than trying to work it out by looking at diagrams, and it also gives you a better understanding of how professional and experienced guitarists overcome the problems you’ll inevitably be experiencing whilst starting to learn guitar.

But in fact the guitar video tutorials available go far beyond simply helping to teach the basics to those starting out with the first few tabs. If you can already play guitar then you may find that there are some chords or chord changes which have you stumped. You may find a particular combination is a little tricky, resulting in a reduced level of sound quality, or a clumsy or uncomfortable change from one tab to another. In this way it is possible to find online guitar video tutorials which have been recorded by some professional guitarists, including many of those who play in well known bands and groups, demonstrating exactly how to accomplish what seems to be almost the impossible.

If you are trying to play a particular song, how great would it be to be able to watch a video online of the guitarist, composer or performer demonstrating exactly how they manage to achieve that particular sound? By watching how they do it you can learn techniques which otherwise you’d probably never come up with or read about, and which can often be adapted to help you overcome similar problems with other tab changes or songs. By taking advantage of the many guitar video tutorials online both beginners and more experienced guitar players can take their guitar playing to the next level, improving sound quality and comfort, as well as helping to further the dream of playing at Wembley one day!

Why not improve your guitar playing by browsing the many guitar video tutorials available at, where you can learn guitar tabs from many well known and accomplished guitarists.

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