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Get Website Traffic Free

Get Website Traffic Free

How to get website traffic for free.

This is on the mind of not only every internet marketer, but also every business owner with a website. After all, what good is a site if no one ever sees it?

When we speak of traffic generation, the topic covers many different aspects of how to accomplish the task. To name just a few, there is SEO, PPC, article marketing, press releases, videos, social media sights and more. Some of these methods can be very costly, especially if you are not well trained in in that specific area.

So this brings up the question how to drive quality traffic with no cost methods. This is also a very deep subject, as new tactics and tools are found frequently. To keep abreast of what is working, you have to be vigilant, and thinking outside the box does not hurt, either.

Here is a partial list of tools used to create what I call a traffic funnel.

Social, media sites such as, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and others.
Video sharing sites such as YouTube and Revver
Free article directories
Hub pages and Squidoo
Forums related to your business

The list above is pretty much common knowledge in the marketing world. The proper strategy of how to use the items mentioned in the list, however, is where there is a lot of misleading information.

I believe that there are two main areas that cause people to fail with their traffic generation attempts. The first area is how to use the tools at hand and of even more importance, how to link them together for maximum leverage.

The second area defeat for many, is the area of research.

When I speak of research, I should break this down into different groups. One group has to do with keyword research. This is the most important factor to consider when trying to drive quality visitors to your site. Another area of nearly equal importance, would be the demographics of your business, or in other words, who are you targeting for potential customers. What age group, male or female, income, region of the world in which they live, and so on.

Besides the research, there is another key factor that many will overlook. This area is tracking your traffic getting results. This is very important information that will be used to determine exactly what traffic methods are producing the desired results. The most effective methods will be where you should concentrate your efforts. This is not to say that you should abandon the less than stellar ones. Those should be researched, refined an

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