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How Easy It Is With Whm Management?

How Easy It Is With Whm Management?

WHM or WebHost Manager is the server control panel interface, specifically designed to cater to server administrators and web hosts. It facilitates the set up and modification of customer accounts, the reception of alerts during server downtimes, building and application of hosting plans, installation of applications and programming language modules and integration of new web technologies. Besides, WHM also makes it much easier to brand customers’ cPanel interfaces with custom logos and block spamming.

WHM eases down the otherwise daunting task of controlling the server technologies. Its exclusive EasyApache utility helps server administrators in the integration of new web technologies with only a few clicks. This not only includes security measures like suEXEC and suPHP using WHM’s Security Center, but one can also install new software modules to enable customised scripts, besides changing the web server software. The administrators can easily manage the configuration for FTP, email and web services.

WHM offers solid control over email accounts, such that administrators can automate the blocking of spam before they reach the server. The server can be automatically tapped for a gamut of knowledge on servers sending spam-inflicted email messages. In case of very high load on the server, the admins can easily the bouncing emails to ensure that the load is reduced for a while following which the emails would be delivered after a certain period.

WHM interface also enables an easy installation of any useful application or programming language module by the server administrators. It facilitates automatic updating of the cPanel of the server and WHM software package, with the newest version available. It also efficiently handles the repetitive tasks of creating the DNS entities for every hosting account, while administrators can also customise the DNS zone templates as required.

Prior to using WHM, services run by a server used to get down for long hours before even the administrator was informed. WHM automatically restarts the server software failing, and informs the administrator through IM, pager, email or SMS, so that he can investigate the cause quickly to avoid any catastrophic server failure. It also notifies the administrator for any scarcity in hard disk space to be catered to. If further provides a tool for the monitoring of hard disk utilisation so that corrective measures can be taken. The server load can be monitored, while daily processor utilisation reports can also be reviewed for which processes are consuming more power, by using WHM. In addition, WHM also adapts to a web host’s existing infrastructure requirements.

In order to find out more on Linux Web Hosting and similar web hosting or webmaster related guides, check out Web Hosting Case.

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