The Internet is a medium of communication and marketing. Students obtain academic information in online encyclopedias, newspapers, and journals. Companies use the Internet to sell, distribute, and advertise their products. People use the Internet to talk to friends and family. They can do this wherever they are, whenever they want. The Internet has evolved into a complex interface. Now, there are approximately 156 million websites on the internet.
Websites are web pages of companies and individuals. They are a collection of articles, photos, and videos. Websites are sets of web pages found on the Internet. Web pages are compiled in a uniform resource locator (URL). A URL determines the internet address of a website.
Webpages, websites, and URLs are the basic elements of the Internet. Do you know how these websites are managed and created? Websites are managed by web hosting companies. Owners of websites purchase URLs from web hosting companies. Web content, graphics, articles, and videos are produced by website owners. Web hosts provide a spot on the Internet for web owners. They have tools and equipment for web management and hosting.
Web hosts use cpanels and webhost managers (WHM). These are software applications for website hosting. Cpanels have a multi-faceted user interface. This allows administrators and resellers to manage accounts. A single cpanel and WHMs allows an administrator to handle hundreds of accounts. This software make web hosting a viable business for web developers. Administrators allow resellers to manage accounts of clients. Software for reseller web hosting business is called a reseller cpanel.
Reseller cpanel hosting is authorized by cpanel administrators. Resellers obtain cpanel and WHM software package from administrator. Administrators give license to web host resellers. Likewise, they give instructions, tips, and recommendations on how to use cpanel and WHM software. Programs in reseller panels depend on package of WHM software.
Administrators limit resellers in hosting and managing websites. They limit the total number of accounts, amount of disk space, and package features. Through this, administrators of reseller cpanel hosting software secure privacy and safety of their web owner clients. Resellers create an inventory of their clients. A client inventory enables them to monitor reselling business and web hosting operation.
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