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Find Out Why Web 2.0 Sites Are Much Better Than Old Web 1.0 Sites

Find Out Why Web 2.0 Sites Are Much Better Than Old Web 1.0 Sites

What is the difference linking web 1.0 vs web 2.0 design? Web 2.0 is that web design that has added spotlights on the user interface design which is comparatively plain to carry out and comprehend. It makes the online shopping down-to-earth and expand the customer satisfaction. In the meantime the advertising is very much flexible and demanding. The following philosophy regarding the web 2.0 are mentioned at this point.

Web 2.0 sites is far better than the Web 1.0. Many changes had been made, generally of them regarding to users interface. Here are various factors in this regards several of them are as under.

Ease of Use

The most main element of Web 2.0 applications is that they must be much painless to comprehend and the design of the website should be user friendly. New generation of web user does not choose such websites which are too slow or having the technology of Web1.0 which is pretty old now.

For better usability and interaction a entire modern world of web is here with focus on Beta versions of Software. Basically Web 2.0 is destined to get the customers pleased and force them to revisit time and again. Though it is not that painless as there are many obstacles to overcome, yet by gaining experience we can enter into a entire and exciting world of Web 3.0.


At the present time the design of websites is dynamic with focus on the visitors of web. It is central to have such websites which contains videos and looks pleasant to the visitors. If you hire some design studio or agency for your website then must inquire on web 2.0 technologies and also the design that they are going to set up which flows in the world of web 2.0 apps. It is vital for the designers to know what you mean and have to satisfy you. Be aware of persons who do not have any know-how about Web 2.0. It is also focal to have a lovely logo design. Your corporate logo should be unique and look professional, with that web 2.0 special feel. A excellent idea is to hold a design contest on the web. There are many web sites that offer such opportunity, and you’ll be in control of the budget while having a large range of design alternatives.


The website designers at the present time give much attention to have more features like slide how and and so on, for making on line experience worth to remember. Web 2.0 sites has all this because the internet surfers want have all and every thing they want if there are added features to offer them. In Web 1.0 the pages were static while in Web 2.0 changes are made on regular basis and are more versatile.

It is essential for you to be the PC expert to share the information on internet. The foremost contribution is by Google, blogs, allocation, person to person, wireless, XML, broad band, bandwidth cost, communities, content and RSS feeds. On the other hand web 1. 0 is more focused on hardware cost, home pages, read only websites, portal, dial up, forums.

It was a technological jump from web 1.0 to web 2.0 as much has changed now. In this day and age the designers doing web design do not concentrate only to design websites for the promotion of some product but make them more delightful and interactive as well for the share of information through blogs and communities. Web 2.0 development has done wonders in bringing group closer to one another in terms of interaction.

You can hold a design contest at http://www.ZenLayout.Com.