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Cloud Computing: Virtual Private Servers

Cloud Computing: Virtual Private Servers

Virtual Private Servers, or VPS, is today’s hot IT topic. Primarily, this “virtualization” involves partitioning a single server so it appears as multiple servers. The ultimate step in virtualization is “cloud computing,” another concept that has moved to the forefront of the market. Internet-based cloud computing provides shared resources to end user computers on-demand. So why should virtualization matter to your company? Simply put, virtualization, in the form of VPS or cloud computing, boosts performance, cost savings, scalability and flexibility for your enterprise applications.

Many experts believe virtualization will continue to gain popularity as a viable alternative to companies setting up and managing their own physical IT infrastructure. Virtualization can come in many forms: from Virtual Private Servers (VPS) to a full-blown cloud hosting solutions.

Cloud computing is the ultimate virtualization strategy. This solution works best when it provides comprehensive virtualization, management, resource optimization, application availability and operational automation capabilities. In other words, the entire IT infrastructure is virtualized so organizations can manage resources as a shared utility and quickly reconfigure the environment on-demand. Cloud computing delivers a single way to run, manage, and secure customer applications where and when they want them.

VPS, on the other hand, bridges the gap between shared hosting and dedicated hosting VPS allows customers to have an independent solution at a lower cost than deploying physical, dedicated servers. VPS is typically deployed on a smaller scale than cloud computing and is often the first step toward virtualization for companies.

By leveraging industry leading virtualization software, IT companies partition one physical server into multiple servers so each has the appearance and capabilities of running on a dedicated platform. Each virtual server runs its own operating system.

With superuser-level access, you can install almost any software that runs on the OS, as well as perform system maintenance. For example, each virtual private server can be independently rebooted.

With cloud computing or VPS, IT companies are able to deliver resources, applications and servers when and where they’re needed. You don’t need to buy costly, individual servers. Instead, you’ll access the company’s infrastructure for capacity on demand. And, you don’t have to worry about ramping up your IT operations to deploy new applications or respond to changing market conditions. A high quality IT hosting provider’s cloud computing and VPS solutions create an efficient, dynamic IT environment for your company.

Find an IT hosting company that provides the hardware, virtualization software, and switching infrastructure. You choose the number of virtual processors, the amount of allocated RAM and the amount of allocated disk space via a shared SAN environment.

A reputable IT hosting company’s cloud computing and VPS solutions create numerous business-enhancing advantages. For example the VPS solution:

– Eliminates purchasing requirements. You won’t need new hardware nor incur capital expenditures.
– Lowers costs of deployment and management. You pay only for what you need.
– Accelerates environment set-ups. You don’t wait for rack and stack or equipment shipments.
– Keeps pace with your organization’s strategic initiatives. Reputable VPS quickly scales to your changing business requirements. Your IT needs will not hinder your company’s revenue-generating projects.
– Provides access to best-of-breed IT infrastructures. You can take advantage of a world-class environment quickly and effortlessly.

Regardless of your situation, find a company that provides the best solution available. Using advanced infrastructure, proven processes and unmatched expertise, you’ll access a highly available and scalable IT infrastructure on demand. Today you have more options than ever before. You no longer have to build expensive, dedicated network, storage and server infrastructures. VPS solutions let you access capacity in a flash and without capital investments. And, you can be up and running with a cloud computing or VPS solution quickly and easily.

Chuck Vermillion is CEO and founder of OneNeck IT Services, a leading Enterprise Resource Planning outsource provider helping mid-market companies improve system performance. For more information about cloud computing and how it can benefit your business, visit our site.