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Windows Hosting for beginners

Windows Hosting for beginners

The windows operating system has been operational on desktops and Home PC’s for over two and half decades. First released on November 20, 1985 by the Microsoft Corporation, the system was highly praised for providing a Graphical User Interface and a robust and easier to use file system. Also these services were available at prices much lower than its competitors which made windows a hot commodity in the market. The windows OS also provided some basic level applications and soft wares bundled along with the OS making it easier for users who earlier had to buy and install specific soft wares such as word processors and spreadsheets before they could actually work on the OS. Thus riding on the micro-computers wave and banking on its features, windows operating systems managed spread all over the planet.

As the internet grew and huge mainframes were developed to handle resources and traffic, windows looked like a fore-runner in the race for server operating systems. Since then windows has been used in servers everywhere and the latest Windows Server 2008 OS is being implemented for windows hosting globally and windows hosting in India on a wide scale today. It has been praised by windows hosting companies and clients alike. Its plethora of features such as lower compatibility issues, support for major scripts and DBM systems, regular updates and patches, robustness, security protocols, user account management etc. have been hailed by programmers and designers alike.

Sites offering windows hosting in India also realized that beginner web hosts and administrators were more comfortable working on a windows server. The similarities with its desktop OS interface helped amateurs to carry out basic network and server tasks. Also windows hosting provided a platform for using numerous Microsoft applications such as Front-Page, Visual Basic and Access. Their GUI interface offered features such as drag & drop to carry out heavy duty tasks such as Form and Website Design. These features could be extremely useful to someone just getting into web design and server management. 

Today several windows hosting options can be found for windows hosting in India. Some of the more popular options are free and shared windows hosting, windows host reselling and dedicated windows servers. The added features, functionality and data protection of windows hosting have been found favorable by programmers looking to expand their ideas and give wings to them. Also certified patches and updates by Microsoft ensure that client data and information will be protected and safe from intrusions by hackers, crackers and mal wares such as Trojans or viruses. The robust administer access and control which includes features such as dual password protection and reserved administrator rights means that unauthorized access will be dealt with and nipped in the bud making windows hosting an obvious choice for web hosting., a India based web hosting company that is a global service provider with expertise in the field of Web Hosting, enterprise internet services, data centre solutions, VoIP Solutions, enterprise Messaging & Hosting Solutions Domain Name Registration, Windows Hosting India.

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