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New Google instant and website positioning

New Google instant and website positioning

Telegram of agency: ” A new intrigue has been aborted to destroy the seo, one of the stars of marketing online, identified too by the alias “web positioning”. In this occasion the supposed culprit, has been identified with the name of “Google Instant”. Knowledgeable sources first-class have declared that the seo has left uninjured the attempted bankrupt competently, and that at no instant has been into peril its survival. It is not the first occasion that has been frustrated a new attack versus the poor seo, in fact several professionals already have coined an original phrase to label this category of atrocity: seocidio. With this identical goal, a gang of conspirators was dismantled few months ago that beneath the nickname of “social networks” it tried to end the existence of the positioning Web. The seo has not desired to realise declarations on the issue as well as it has been limited to state that it will carry on fighting to supply traffic of value to the Webs in addition to to raise his figure of conversions” You will pardon this small note of funniness to begin the article, but one have to already take to joke the permanent articles that show periodically like summer serpents and which they presage doubtlessly that the time of the seoare counted. The last hoax has been the declaration of which with the manifestation of Google Instant the user the positioning Web lost application (Google Instant is an alternative announced newly by Google at the occasion of presenting/displaying his results, that power the use of suggestions of probable results while the user keys his search: “Search ace you type”). That is absolutely incorrect, and it is based on an ignorance than at heart it is the website placement. The web positioning does not concept the difficulty of how positioning itself in a particular algorithm of Google. The seo is much more ample that and its objective is to get that a Web has an exceptional place in the interfaces that allow the end user to find the information that it looks for within the infinite of great level of information that represents Internet. No longer we spoke of a confident finder (far from it of a particular version of the same), is probable that medium period Google disappears, is probable that the search engines even include the speech and the video in varieties that nor we even recognize, and that in a distant prospect we pruned to align by intellectual waves to us with them to gain the wished information, however altogether this does not influence, in my opinion, the underlying need to classify the information of an clear system for the end user, and accordingly the chance for the specialistic seoto endeavor to underscore the information that needs. Google Instant can change to a little style search engine optimisation, but that has continuously occurred, Internet is an altering world and the positioning is not at all exclusion. In the similar sense, the declaration that the social networks would restore the finders is wholly erroneous (in fact the major “victim” of this incident is being the conventional means). In the worse one of the cases, in the unbelievable case that outside thus, the seowould have to adapt to position itself.!

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