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How To Cope With Negative Web Hosting Reviews As A Business

How To Cope With Negative Web Hosting Reviews As A Business

It is a fact that you will never make everyone happy when running a company. You could try and work twenty eight hours a day. Give perfect service. It is guaranteed that wont be enough for some people. There will be times when you are wrong. With the best will in the word, well thought out plans can fail. Out of nowhere, your service can break badly and take some time to repair. You then end up with angry customers and some rather bad reviews.

With these bad reviews, how you deal with them is how a good company is defined. Below are some tips on just how to deal with these bad hosting reviews.

To start with you need to work out what it is they are complaining about. This dictates largely the way to deal with it. What went wrong? How can you stop the situation happening in future?

If you have already addressed the situation, you may wish to contact the customer directly to explain. If the complaint is false, then this turns into a different situation.

We all try hard to please people, but some just love to complain. And the more difficult person will be at best, liberal with the truth in order to write a bad review. Not everyone would agree, but contacting the customer isn’t always the best move. In a nutshell, you cannot win with this type of person either way. Contact might even have the opposite effect of making the person yell louder!

If you are at fault and the complaint is genuine, always sympaphise with the customer. Apologise, and apologise sincerely. If you find you can’t be sincere, you probably need to go on a customer service course! Honest apologies can heal relationships. Also showing how you’ve learnt from the mistake will restore confidence in the customer. Why not offer the customer a free month if they’ve left, to try and persuade them to come back?

What you may find, is if you make such an effort the customer will end up publically praising you. Imagine turning a bad review into a good one! You have to question those that claim hosting companies never have problems. However, a company well versed in PR, that can turn an angry customer into a happy one is worth their salt. This is definitely a company able in the PR department.

There are a number of methods for keeping an eye out for reviews. Google Alerts will let you subscribe to new results for certain keyphrases. A number of tools are available to snoop on what’s being said on social networking websites. It’s all a vital part of running a hosting company, as listening to constructive feedback, and following up on reviews is part of running a successful company.

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