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Classified Ads Sites – Ignore Them At Your Peril

Classified Ads Sites – Ignore Them At Your Peril

Selling the car? Want to get rid of your old computer? Selling some gig tickets? Looking to raise some extra money fast? Then advertising in the ‘For Sale’ section of the local newspaper looks like a good way to go. Right?

You bought the local newspaper a couple of days previously, like you always do, but where is it now? You thought you’d thrown it underneath the stack of magazines and papers on the table in the corner of the room. No, not there. You search some more but the it’s nowhere to be found.

What now? Those handy Yellow Pages – that most times are simply a bulky nuisance – of course! Kind of obvious, really. Then thumb through the handy index until you find the section ‘Newspapers and Periodicals’. Go through the list carefully and methodically. Got it. Grab a pen, jot down the number and then dial.

The friendly female voice on the other end of the line politely asks what department you want and you reply, “Advertising”. You’re almost there. Patience. A few seconds later another female voice asks how she may help you, and you blurt out you want to place a ‘For Sale’ ad in this week’s edition.

“You want to put an ad in the ‘For Sale’ section in next week’s paper.”, she insists. Maybe she hasn’t heard me correctly. “No, in this week’s edition.”, I repeat. “Sorry, can’t do that. If only you’d called us 30 minutes ago. It’s the advertising deadline, you’ve just missed it for this week. It’s always midday on a Tuesday, no exceptions. Do you want to advertise in next week’s paper?”

The matter-of-fact explanation means I won’t now have the cash as anticipated. Keep calm. Don’t get uptight. Just think about it for a second. The paper comes out in three days time, at the end of the week, but I should have telephoned half an hour ago. This IS Tuesday, not Wednesday, or Thursday. I’m missing something here, right? What’s the matter, you people got a problem with a little bit of give-and-take? Local newspapers, you can keep them. Time to think some more.

Wait, you’re not thinking straight here. Is this not the age of the Internet? You know, instant communication, web sites, email and all of that! Panic over. You’ve seen many classified ad sites on the web, right? Maybe now is the time to seriously look at them, not ignore them.

Load up Google in the browser, enter ‘classified ads’ and hey presto, there’s a ton of classified ads sites out there to choose from. Spoilt for choice, indeed.

The scene above may be a simple story but there is a serious point or two behind it. It neatly illustrates one of the very best reasons to consider using freeads sites – instant advertising. No waiting around. No deadlines.

The second good reason is cost. Just about every classified ad site is free to sign up with and is free to post ads. And you can usually post as many ads as you want, whenever you want. It’ll save you a fortune.

Reason number three – there are LOTS of classified ad sites out there. Literally hundreds to choose from. Probably thousands. Sign up for as many as you want. And signing up is usually quick and easy, too, requiring only a valid email address, nothing more.

Going back to our scenario above, local newspapers typically have a circulation of a few thousand readers, all living within a few miles of where you are. Not so with a classified ads web site, which is the fourth good reason for using them. For they have reach. Your ad will be seen across the world, literally. So you are almost guaranteed to find a buyer for the item you are looking to sell.

The last good reason – number five – the ability to add a picture, or two, of the item for sale. And most free ads sites allow you to do this at no cost. Don’t think you’d be able to do that in your local newspaper, unless you were prepared to pay, that is. Then see what that would do to your bank balance!

If you’ve never looked at a classified ads site then now is the time. Freebie Ads, run by John Donaldson, is free to sign up to and free to post ads. Go to

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