A GoDaddy ultimate web hosting package, also known as unlimited hosting, has no limit on the amount of RAM you use. If you plan on running multiple websites, you can do so on a single hosting account. This type of hosting is referred to as 4th Generation Hosting. 4GH allows for users to host across multiple servers with Dynamic Traffic Management. Everything is easy to manage.
Even if you know absolutely nothing about hosting a website, you will find the applications easy to install. GoDaddy offers tutorials on absolutely every topic imaginable, including blog hosting setup, shopping cart setup, file management, etc.
Even though all web hosts promise “99.9% uptime”, very few deliver on that promise. GoDaddy is one of those few that do. 4GH is essentially next-generation hosting, which is the most advanced technology available. You can trust that your website(s) will be up and running, 24/7.
GoDaddy ultimate web hosting comes with the following:
• No setup fees
• Unlimited disk space
• Unlimited data transfer
• 50 FTP users (1 primary and 49 additional)
• Up to 1,000 email addresses
• 1 GB email storage
• Unlimited MYSQL (1 GB each)
You can also expect unlimited external domains and up to 400 subdomains. All of these can come in handy if you are running a web development business.
Thanks to one-click hosting applications, you can easily set up your blog. The applications you can install (with one-click) include:
• WordPress
• Joomla
• Zen Cart
• Drupal
• Simple Machines Forum
• 4Images
• ShopSite
• Mambo
• Moodle
And dozens of others.
Another benefit of GoDaddy ultimate web hosting is that there is no Premium DNS charge! Premium DNS services make it easy for visitors to access your website(s). It also protects your domains from URL spoofing. Your site will also be scanned for malware on a daily basis. If you’re running a business, this type of protection can potentially save you a lot of money.
The 4GH plan provides intrusion prevention on both the network and server-level. The servers are protected against Denial-of-Service (DoS) and other malicious attacks.
The ultimate hosting accounts come with language support for PHP5, Perl with FAST CGI, Ruby CGI, Python CGI, Ruby on Rails with FAST CGI, and others.
The monthly price varies depending on the number of months you order in advance. There are some GoDaddy ultimate web hosting discounts and coupon codes available to help you save money. Be sure to look them over before placing your order.
The great thing about ordering a hosting account with GoDaddy is that it comes with free advertising credits for Google, Facebook, Bing, Yahoo, and more. These credits can come in handy if you run a business and plan on doing some advertising.
On to the good stuff: GoDaddy ultimate web hosting coupons are available to help webmasters get the beast deal on hosting accounts. Just apply the coupon(s) you want to use when checking out. GoDaddy really is an awesome web host, so be sure to sign up for the ultimate hosting package.
Nadav Snir operates a website which includes coupons and discounts to the biggest domain registrar in the world – GoDaddy. To get those discounts and coupons, visit his site: http://www.gripbuy.com/Hosting/godaddy.html