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How to Install Your Own Online Forum Using phpBB and Fantastico DeLuxe

How to Install Your Own Online Forum Using phpBB and Fantastico DeLuxe

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website hosting planPhpBB is probably the most known, free bulletin board or forum software script available online. This flexible, feature-rich solution can be used to make a community on your site to goad your visitors to interact with one another. All of that user-generated content and activity is good for your web site’s SEO.

PhpBB is simple to use, it can be set up quickly and it has every feature imaginable. Perhaps one of the best features of phpBB is that it is free, open-source software that is made available under the GNU, General Public License, so you can modify the without first getting permission. The fact that it is open-source means that there are many developers who have worked with this software and made their own custom themes, which are available for everyone to download and use on their forums. There are also support forums where you can go and ask questions and get advice about setting up your forum.

How to install phpBB:
There are two ways for installing phpBB. You can do a quick install using Fantastico, or you can manually install the files. The Fantastico install is the best alternative if you lack a lot of technical skill and you wish to get your forum up and running quickly. If you want to do a lot of customizations to your forum, you may consider getting help with installing it manually. You can get more info about manually installing the software at

Log into cPanel. The Fantastico DeLuxe, blue smiling face icon is located in the ‘Software/ Services’ tab, which you will find by scrolling down towards the bottom of the screen. Click on Fantastico and elect ‘phpBB’ from the ‘Discussion Boards’ section on the left side of the screen. A new page will appear with the phpBB logo at the top. Look for the ‘New Installation,’ link and click on it. Your next step will be to elect your installation options. Opt the domain you like to install the software on from the drop-down menu (if you have more than one domain on this server). If you leave the ‘Install in directory’ field blank, phpBB will appear as your home page: ( ). You can specify a directory, such as, ‘forum,’ which would yield the URL: (

Now you will select an username and password in the ‘Admin access,’ data fields. The ‘Base configuration,’ fields are self-explanatory. After you have filled in this details it can be changed after you complete the installation. Click on the ‘Install phpBB’ button. You’ll get a ‘Finish Installation’ button next, which will complete the installation. The next page you see will give you the URL to both the forum and the backend along with your administrative information. You should either bookmark this page or copy and paste the information and save it in a secure place in case you need it.

Congratulations! Your forum installation is complete. There are a lot of resources on that will point you to how to customize your forum using different themes, how to run all of the special features and tips and techniques for managing your forum.

For more details about running your forum, Internet marketing in general, or affiliate marketing, visit, , where you will find a load of resources for building an online business and making money online today.

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