Post Ads is the premier classified listing web site in the United states, with a local selling forum for almost every conurbation in the country, and with international sites for India, the United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand, it really is not beyond the realms of imagination to have the term ‘global village’ applied to Post Ads.
PostAd has main centralized web sites for each of the states of the union, and a local website for many of the larger cities and towns within those states, with more being added to the list on a regular basis.
Posting a classified ad to sell an item of furniture that has out lived its usefulness, or selling an old car for spare parts, or even getting rid of the last model computer to make way for the shiny new laptop just recently purchased, the opportunities are really quite limitless.
The service is completely free, and there is no registering or leaving personal details, and no commissions or fees to pay on resulting subsequent sales.
The company’s founding philosophy is one of being driven by a strong work ethic, a passion for trading supported by the latest web development tools, and supported by reputable customer service. PostAds is probably the fastest growing free classified websites, primarily due to excellence of service, ease of function and use of the website for customers, and also for the fact every dollar raised by the sale of any item listed is received by the seller, with no expenses due or fees to be paid to a third party.
Using the website is simplicity itself; however there is a FAQ page which has all the answers any user could ever possibly need to commence using the website and get listing classifieds anywhere in the United States, both locally and nationally.
There is no requirement by PostAd for clients making listings to register, subscribe or to commit to any personal details; however registering does bring the added features and benefits such as the following:
Free profile page
No need to confirm each ad before posting
Subscription option
Save Favorite Ads
Participate in chat & many more
And the number of ads anyone is allowed to post is limited to 35 per day, but when added over the course of a week, one could easily sell the entire contents of a house, and this number is not restricted to clients that create their own profile, indeed it is anyone who has any item(s) to post and sell.
For further information on Post Ads in the United Stateslog on to now and sell your unwanted items today; remember someone’s unwanted item is tomorrow’s cash injection.
For further information on Post Ads in the United Stateslog on to now and sell your unwanted items today; remember someone’s unwanted item is tomorrow’s cash injection.