If you still think you need to pay some wizard programmer a couple grand to build you a professional looking website – I’ve got something else you might want to consider before signing that check. During this past decade technology took a giant leap in this area. You could build cleaner websites during your lunch break – than the overpriced web designers take a month to do.
Building your own website doesn’t have to be a hassle
Some people may have you believe that in order to make a website you need to be a geek with ultra high IQ, have some expensive software and spend years learning some alien looking codes. Trust me, there are other options.
Here are a few top website builders to consider:
Site Rubix Website Creator
Xsite Pro Webdesigner Software
Bluevoda Website Builder
A brief overview of some of the key features of each one:
Bluevoda Website Builder – If you’re on a tight budget, this builder is definitely for you. It’s free, so if you need something to hold you over before you’re ready to invest some money into something better, this one is the way to go. It comes with an array of pre-designed templates and very easy to use. Drag and drop function is nice, no knowledge of any code required.
The downside is that you’re tied up to their host and eventually could be a problem if you’re trying to run a website which requires higher bandwidth. Hosts like that tend to run slow because of their popularity – there are currently about 3 million people who use Bluevoda.
Another big con is the fact that it can only run on Windows based platforms. So if you’re on a Mac you’re out of luck.
Xsite Pro Webdesigner Software – Regarded as one of the top builders out there for the price. This builder will set you back about $ 200. One of the biggest advantages of Xsite pro is that it’s the first builder built with Internet marketer’s needs in mind.
The most regarded feature is instant SEO (Search Engine Optimization) checker. It automatically analyzes your website and suggests the best possible way for you to get listed in the search engines painlessly. This feature is what makes it unique.
It also comes with hundreds of templates to choose from
Automatic sitemap creation feature built-in. Another handy feature for Internet marketers
Affiliate link wizard. A marketer’s dream. You can store all your affiliate links and just pop them in into any page at a click of a button
Full tech support 24 hours 7 days a week, plus a user forum is nice
Again the downside is it’s only compatible with Windows systems and for the same price you could get a professional edition of Adobe Dreamweaver if you’re planning on learning more advanced techniques in the future.
Site Rubix Website Creator – This builder is by far the most versatile and user friendly I’ve ever come across. Some of its key benefits:
Extremely user-friendly and intuitive interface. It’s also known as WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). No HTML code knowledge on your part is required. You just drag and drop every component of your website into place.
Multitude of pre-built templates to chose from
Dynamic drag enabled menus
Built in FTP program (most other ones don’t have this)
Instant screenshot tool
Template and banner swapping
Media Management Support (Video, Images, Screenshots)
Flexible Operating System Support
Overall I’d say Site Rubix is the best of both worlds. You can run it on either Mac or Windows based systems. And it has every feature that all the other programs offer. What makes it stand out is the fact that it’s tied into it’s own forum where not only you can learn how to build websites – you could also become a top level Internet marketing professional with the 1-on-1 coaching program that’s offered.
To see my review on it, visit Site Rubix Review at my website. To learn how you can take full advantage of the forum and the coaching program, see my Wealthy Affiliate Review
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