Drupal is one of the premier content management systems (CMS). It is an open source CMS, easy to install and ideal for transforming static websites into animated web applications that permit the easy publishing of data and regular update of content. With more of your customers accessing your website on their smart phones or blackberry, drupal for mobile is a great way to enhance the features of your mobile website. Navigation using drupal for mobile uses three basic metaphors for navigating:
Deck of cards
Tree structure
Business owners use their website to share information and news with employees scattered in diverse geographical locations. Business mobile applications are incorporating drupal solutions in their websites for managing and tracking of data and details for faster updates to keep the information flowing. The major challenge in interfacing drupal for mobile is the test of modifying it for devices with touch screens and small screens. The user no longer has the cursor to navigate. On a touch screen or when pressing buttons on a regular cell phone, human fingers are not as precise in picking options as a cursor on a laptop. The touch-friendly devices have to be tested taking ergonomics into consideration during the design. WAP (wireless application protocol) is a technology that allows wireless devices and cell phones access to the internet via a regular browser but is modified to achieve functionality in the small view screen of a mobile phone.
As mobile handsets are more accessible and convenient for users, they are the preferred way to seek information and keep track of favorite topics only emphasizing how important Drupal for mobile is. People use their smart phones and blackberry sets to keep abreast of their favorite shows on TV, with online TV and movie guides and other entertainment applications. Gaming is still one of the top applications used by phone users and using Drupal technology only makes the experience more thrilling and interactive.
Your iPhone, BlackBerry, android phone developing consultants can design mobile applications according to your specifications to meet your precise needs. Whether you are interested in gaming or in business mobile applications you can find innovative products from expert developers to suit you.
Drupal is gaining advantage over comparable CMSs due to recent advances in technology. Even prestigious sites like the BBC, MTV UK, White House, NASA, New York Observer, Greenpeace UK use drupal backed expertise only fortifying the need to augment drupal for mobile technology.
Anthony Weiner is a renowned advocate of drupal for mobile technology. His readers find his writings informative and helpful in building their business.

In this screencast you will learn how to install drupal 7 on windows 7. ********************* IMPORTANT******************** I have tried installing drupal us…