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WordPress Blogging Tip – When is a Blog Not Just a Blog?

WordPress Blogging Tip – When is a Blog Not Just a Blog?

This is not a trick question. A blog is not a blog when it is your complete content management system – wholly contained within your WordPress blog.

How is this possible? It’s really easy when you know how. Create a static front page to showcase your products. Do this in Settings -> Reading in your WordPress dashboard. This is where you have the choice of setting your front page. It can display your blog posts (a normal blog) or a static front page. Your page should already be created with at least a title because you will see a dropdown menu where you must choose the page you want to display.

In order to show your blog posts, create a page titled Blog with no content on it. Pick that page for Posts Page and your posts will display when your reader clicks on the page titled Blog.

There are as many ways to arrange your ‘static’ page as you can think of, and probably more. A great way to organize this page is to create a showcase of your products. Explain what each one is, display a graphic if you have one, and create a link to a page that is the sales letter for the product with a say for your readers to buy.

If you have only one product, no problem. Create your home page as the sales page for that product with a way for people to buy.

Different themes have different options. If you are showcasing one item, you want to check to see if your theme has the ability to display a page without a sidebar. After all, on a sales page you want your readers to have the choice between buying or leaving. Don’t give them a lot of other stuff to look at and click on.

That’s why I prefer the showcase of products on the front page with a link to the sales page which will open in a new page. If your readers leave your sales page they will immediately be back on your home page.

The Bottom Line: Learn more about blogging and WordPress!

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