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Is Cloud Computing The Future Of Webhosting?

Is Cloud Computing The Future Of Webhosting?

In the ever changing world of technology, there is no surprise for new innovations and inventions, especially in the field of Information Technology. Web hosting created a lot of opportunities, many people became CEOs, many changes occurred in the lives of many people through the world of internet.
As you know internet has become a part of life and it has influenced the every day life of people and in the pursuit of readymade things or a lighter life, made the term known as Cloud computing. It is a concept where instead of installing a lot of applications in your server or computer, you take it as and when required from the internet or a distant data center with an access fee, such as Google Docs(sharing documents online), Flickr (it is a social photo sharing site enabling upload and sharing of the photos and receive comments from others), Jing (video screen capture service) etc. which were once used with individual installation on the computer. Its main advantage is to use comparatively smaller and green technology computer which uses much lesser energy than a standard computer consumes. In the present world scenario where much importance is given to environmental impacts, it will be a good step in that direction by saving considerable amount of energy.
The traditional web hosting is that where the web pages managed from a data center and made available to the users from anywhere in the world with accessibility and provides only the required space, support and services. With the arrival of cloud computing, this concept is going to be changed. Cloud computer will add another way a web hosting company can perform such as a data warehousing provider or a typical goods storage depot, that means their service can be expanded to another level. This will require more infrastructure and logistical support. Like the different hosting services such as dedicated, shared, free, co-location servers, cloud computing has also divided into different segments such a Cloud Applications, Cloud Infrastructure and Cloud Platforms. All of them work on different principles and requirements.

In order to find out more on Dedicated Server and similar website and webmaster related guides, check out Web Hosting Sites.

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