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Choosing Domain Name

Choosing Domain Name

If you just decided to have your business website or corporate website published on the web, you might be wondering on what kind of domain name you want to use. Choosing the right domain name will actually help your business website or corporate website to gain traffic; in this case, we all know traffic means sales. However, choosing domain name might not be as easy as it sounds. When choosing a domain name for business website or corporate website, there are many considerations to be taken into account. Factors that may affect your decision on choosing the right domain name may include branding, trademarks, and keywords.

After all the trouble of publishing your websites, you dont want to name your domain such as when you are in the business of selling rims. To obtain a good result, domain name for business website or corporate website should not be misleading. If you deal in vitamin business, then by all means find a domain name that has vitamin in it if you can. This will make it easier for your websites to be found when a potential customer is searching using search engine using specific keywords.

The second thing to consider is to try to stick with a .com. The reason for this is because .com is the most widely accepted extension for domain name. If your website is a business website, it is far more important for you to use a .com for your domain extension name. The .com has been here for so long that virtually just adding a .com to your website will get you the extra credibility that no other extension could provide. It is however true that there are few other successful domain name such as .net or .org. But would you want to risk having to change your extension and possibly have your customers forget about your website cause for some reason the domain name they remembered is not in operation anymore.

Branding is the next thing you want to consider about. 15 years ago, no one knows what Google is. But now this domain name is probably one of the most recognize brand name and is worth a whole lot of money. However there is no immediate gain from making a brand able domain name as this is more of a long term situation; Even though it is to be noted that having a brand able domain name will certainly help the website in question.

Lastly, never consider to use hyphens for your domain name. This is because people may easily remember the name of domain but they might after a time forget about the hyphens. Just by forgetting one hyphen, your potential customer may find themselves on other websites that may be selling the same stuff as you do. Or worse, they might find that the website they intended to look for is not there and may jump into the conclusion that the website is down and hence they need to go to your competitor website.

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