Domain name and web hosting are two different things. Domain names are “name” of the site. The web hosting is the “place” is the domain name itself, or the server of the website will focus on. Here are some frequently asked questions about domain names and web hosting, and the quick and easy answers.
– Buy a Domain
What does a Web Hosting Unlimited Domains Plan Mean? That is, if you are planning for this special, you can host unlimitedWeb sites that a plan. You do not want to agree to a plan if this is the case. You could not pay a higher price for this feature. Do I have the domain name of the hosting company, I buy my plan? “No, not you! You can shop around on the net for the best domains to buy them with a company like GoDaddy,
– Buy a Domain
and show it on your hosting account, we say to Your hosting plan and domain businessesshould have step-by-step videos, how to do this are available. What does “mean free domain for life”? Some hosting companies will offer this as an incentive to sign up for their plan. That means you can use the domain name, without renewing it each year you own it for life. What Kind of hosting plan do I need? If you think about it, just about a site or a few sites on the Internet, then a common plan is probably what you thinkabove. Most small businesses and individuals, which is not created through robust sites that share with each other on common server on a host company. Some smaller companies or larger companies who want more security for their sites will opt for a dedicated server plan, meaning that they have their own server. This usually means more security and control what the joint should not worry about individuals