Google India has launched its ‘India Get your Business Online’ programme in Rajasthan and will offer free websites, hosting and domain for one full year to all small medium businesses in Rajasthan who do not have a website. With the program ‘India Get your Business Online’ – Google plans to get 500,000 businesses online across India in next three years. Google India also held a seminar for businesses in Rajasthan to help them understand the benefits of the internet medium and how it can help them to scale their businesses.
The program which was launched 3 weeks back aims to remove the barrier which stops small medium businesses to get online. Small business owners in Rajasthan can logon to and use the tool to get a get a free, easy-to-build website and web hosting for one year powered by HostGator. Businesses also get a customized domain .in name and free tools, training and resources to succeed online.
Google has also appointed Pensa Media as its partner agency who will help businesses to run campaigns using Google industry leading advertising platform called Google AdWords, which allows businesses to run advertising on Google search when users do searches online.
At the seminar, Google also showcased its new tool called Google Global market finder – a free online tool for advertisers to find new markets overseas. The new tool is designed to help Indian businesses expand their business and reach out to potential customers in the international markets. The new tool will help businesses of all sizes address traditional barriers to international expansion, such as finding the right customers, translating their websites and ad campaigns into local languages, and reaching customers in foreign markets with relevant ads. The Global Market Finder and Google Ads for Global Advertisers will be available to advertisers in 43 languages.
Nitin Bawankule, Head Online Sales, Google India said, “In the last two years, we have been investing in helping the small medium businesses understand the benefits of Internet and how they can use Google search engine advertising to grow their businesses. While we have received a tremendous response to our initiatives with businesses who have a websites and now we want to extend our focus to businesses who do not have a online presence. There is a strong demand for products/ services offered by businesses in Rajasthan on the Internet but most businesses in Rajasthan don’t have a website and they’re missing out on the opportunity.”
Neeraj Khanna, Founder, Pensa Media, said, “Search engine advertising with Google Adwords has provided small medium businesses a level playing field with large corporate. Reaching out to customers beyond boundaries, better measurability, precise targeting has got more and more SMB’s interested in advertising online. We have been working with many local businesses Rajasthan.”