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How to Keep a Girlfriend – A Tutorial

How to Keep a Girlfriend – A Tutorial

Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of questions from men regarding how to keep a girlfriend. Every relationship is different, but there are a few sure fire ways that I know of that can help a guy hold onto his girlfriend, or wife for that matter. It’s simple really, and the things that work the best are the easiest and cheapest of all!

I have two words for you: Compromise and Communication. Any relationship, yes I said any, can survive the rough spots with compromise and communication. You don’t need to do everything she wants, and she isn’t going to put up with doing everything your way. Feel free to ignore my advice, but after your Xbox goes sailing out the 2nd story window of your house you’re going to be back. Let me save you some time.

Friends: Ah yes, the beloved man-friends that us women are so glad you have. It’s one thing to go out and have a drink with the guys. But if it becomes too habitual your girlfriend feels like she has to compete against your friends, and let’s face it that’s not fun for either one of you. A good way to avoid WWIII with your friends and your girl is to become Switzerland. Make informed decisions about your schedule. A good way to settle tension is to invite your girl to go out with you, when she’s invited or included you’ll see a big change in her attitude towards you (and your friends).

Plans: When you make plans with your girlfriend do your best to keep them. Most women put a fair amount of time into preparation for dates, and sometimes just getting out of the house. So any last minute bailing is going to leave her furious. If you’re going to be running late be sure and call so she knows what’s going on. And what I mean by “running late” is don’t tell her you’ll be there in ten minutes if you know it’s going to take forty-five.

Trust me, she’s going to appreciate that extra forty-five minutes.

Have Fun: Ever heard that laughter is the best medicine? It’s true, especially for relationships. Sometimes when life gets rough the best thing to do is go have fun together. Go out to the movies, miniature golfing, or for a walk. It doesn’t take a lot of money to have a good time. Try something new together such a new restaurant or club. Having fun together creates good memories, and you’ll never run out of things to talk about.

Eventually, you’re going to find out what works best for you. Never forget that compromise and communication are the two most important tools your relationship can have. Nothing great is built overnight, there are going to be fights and days when you two don’t want to be around each other. But it’s the good times that we life for and you’ll get to those I promise.

I don’t own a magic wand, I wish I did. But thanks to trial and error of my own, and my friends, I think I’ve been able to put together something that can help you. We’ve all been in a troubled relationship at one time or another and what defines us is our ability to come out of it. If you have a minute I’d like to ask you to visit this video my friend put together. Most of the people I’ve talked to about relationships in crisis enjoy this website: I hope that it can do for you what I’ve seen it do for others.

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