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What Is An Aged Domain

What Is An Aged Domain

What Is An Aged Domain?

An aged domain name is simply a domain name that is at least one year old, preferably even older.

Domain has been researched using tools like SEO Quake & URL Appraisal and the age that is listed for the domain is the WEB ARCHIVE AGE this the first time Goggle crawled the domain.

How does Google determine domain age?

When search engine crawled the web they take hundreds of factors into web account. The age of your domain name is quite an important part in the puzzle of ranking your website in search engine results. The thought process is that domains that were registered a long time ago have likely been developed over time. This helps the search engines ‘trust’ in the domain as they see it as a good source of information.

Additionally, the site previously on the domain name may have already been developed. This means there may already be links all over the web that point to the domain you want to purchase. This gives the search engines even more reason to believe that the domain is a trustworthy source of information. Building this sort of online trust can be an extremely difficult, expensive and time consuming process. Aged domains can give you a vital boost.

The age of a domain is a big factor in determining its value. Older domains tend to rank better in search engines and are therefore worth more money.