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Merits And Demerits Of Cheap Web Hosting

Merits And Demerits Of Cheap Web Hosting

Cheap web hosting is highly preferred by small-scale business and small groups. Nowadays, everyone wants to have their presence online with their own blogs and websites. The cheap web hosting allows people to own their websites at affordable rates. The cheap web hosting is mostly done on shared servers. There are many merits and demerits of cheap web hosting. This article will give you all the basic merits and demerits of cheap web hosting.
Even though there are many disadvantages of using the cheap web hosting, there are millions of websites that are hosted on such servers. The increase of websites on the internet has increased the number of cheap web hosting providers and servers. This article will give you the merits and demerits of cheap web hosting.
Merits of Cheap Web Hosting
One of the main advantages of the cheap web hosting is the features provided such as the disk space and bandwidth. The normal cheap web-hosting providers offer 5-7 GB of disk space. This is more than enough to many small organizations and individuals. Apart from that, bandwidth provided will be 100-600 GB. Even though, this is considered less compared to dedicated server or other hosting methods, it is sufficient for the cheap rates you get. The operating systems offered by the cheap web-hosting providers are Linux and Windows platforms. Since most of the websites are developed in this platform, it becomes the ideal hosting solutions for smaller websites.
Demerits of Cheap Web Hosting
The main disadvantage of cheap web hosting is the security measures. You cannot expect the provider to give you round the clock technical support. Since the rates are very less, the services will also be of low quality. In case of server breakdown, providers may or may not fix the issue immediately. The security measures are very bad as there will not be any guarantee for the data and the information of the website.

In order to find out more on Dedicated Server and similar web hosting or webmaster related guides, check out Web Hosting Case.