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How to Find Good Domain Names

How to Find Good Domain Names


A marketable domain name is the foundation of a successful Internet business and as a result should be chosen with great consideration. So, before you rush out and buy a domain name, here are some tips to aid you through the process:

1. A good domain name should be short
You should keep in mind that the shorter a domain name is the better. Although there is no definite number of characters, all three-word and four-word .com domains have already been taken and five-word domains are running out fast. As result you should aim for a domain name below 10 characters and never exceeding 20. As far as the number of words goes, in the Internet industry one-word domains are considered the best, followed by two- and three-word domains. Anything above three words is simply considered a bad idea.

2. A good domain name should be easy to remember
Forget extravagant and complex names! The simpler your domain name is, the easier it will be for visitors to remember it and to re-visit your website. It is a known fact that most Internet users do not use bookmarks and simply memorize the domain name of their favorite websites.

It is wiser to refrain from using words with a complex pronunciation, foreign words and anything that might lead visitors to misspell your domain name and end up entering a different website.

4. A good domain name has a .com extension
Let’s face it: .com is the most popular extension and hence the best choice for a domain name. Internet users usually visit websites through search engines and tend to pay attention to the website name and not the URL. So the next time that they want to visit your website, they will simply type the name followed by the extension .com.

5. A good domain name is descriptive
People often visit a website because the domain name was appealing to them. A descriptive domain name can inform visitors about the content of your website before they even visit it.

6. A good domain name is brandable
An equally efficient domain name is one that is brandable thus giving your visitors the possibility to associate the brand name with your website. Brandable domains have a nice pronunciation, appealing visual effects or simply an interesting word combination.

7. A good domain name does not contain hyphens or numbers
A domain name containing numbers or a hyphen will suffer the same fate as domain s with complex spelling or an extension other than .com. Visitors will most likely forget the hyphen and the use of numbers will only confuse them if they manage to remember them in the first place!

This does not necessarily mean that your domain name must possess all of the above characteristics in order to be marketable. Just keep in mind that a memorable, catchy domain name can go a long way to launching a successful Internet business.

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