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Types of Web Hosting India

Types of Web Hosting India



Web hosting India has seen a meteoric rise in recent years. The increase in the number of personal computers and users of the internet has meant that there has been an increase in demand for web hosting services. Right now the market is flooded with a wide variety of web hosting services to meet every possible need of the customers.

One of the types of web hosting India is shared web hosting. In this type of web hosting the web host sells server space on the same server to a large amount of customers. The customers have to share the hardware and software resources of the web hosting company. In some cases this could cause the websites to suffer from long periods of downtime and would affect their sales in the long run. This is a cheap method of web hosting and is often chosen by people running a small business.

Another type of web hosting India is dedicated hosting. In this category of web hosting the entire server space is given to one single company. The customer has complete control over the resources and liabilities of the server. This option of web hosting is usually selected by larger companies who are willing to spend large amounts of money on online marketing.  The running and maintenance of the websites on the server is solely in the hands of the customer. The ownership rights of the server are transferred from the web host to the client.

The third and one of the most commonly found types of web hosting India is that of reseller hosting. In this form a web master buys large amounts of server space from a web hosting company. He then divides this large space into smaller packages which he then sells to customers at higher prices thus making a profit along the way. It is considered by many to be a highly lucrative field.

The low investments and costs involved have meant that many new companies have into the field of web hosting India. With the astronomical success it has received over the past years, the demand for web hosting services is expected to rise in the years to come. Web hosting has managed to revolutionize the way in which trade and business transactions are being carried out in India. Indian companies which provide web hosting services in India have now been able to extend their services to foreign lands. 

Web Hosting India has taken the IT sector by storm. The ability to provide hosting services at affordable prices is what has made web hosting India so successful.

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