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Comet Promo Code

Comet Promo Code

Beware of the Male Shopaholic

When I first met my husband he loved to take me shopping and admittedly I loved to go with him. He had very good taste for a man and he usually spoilt me rotten. As he is Italian, he has a taste for all things designer and I never tried to stop him from buying me Prada shoes or Tod’s handbags. Why should I? He could more than afford it so I thought I should enjoy it and to be honest, I am very glad I did. We have now been married for fifteen years and things have changed dramatically. Financially things are the same but it is the shopping trips that have changed. If my husband suggests we should go shopping, I approach with caution. Any woman defining shopping will mention clothes, shoes, handbags, perfumes and jewelry. They want to go to Selfridges, Harvey Nichols and Burberry. They wouldn’t associate Comet, Currys or Maplin with shopping. However these type of shops are my husband’s idea of heaven. Last week was particularly exciting as he received some Comet coupons through the post. Fabulous, another reason for being dragged around boring electrical stores. I keep telling him that Selfridges have an excellent electrical department in the basement and after he has finished perusing, we could have some Sushi and a glass of bubbly. As yet, no such luck.

Heaven sent coupons

Strangely enough, the Comet discount code ended up being put to good use. Our faithful television decided to breakdown and consequently we needed to invest in a new “set”, which is apparently a very old fashioned terms these days. I am still not certain that my husband did not intentionally break the television as he has been wanting to “supersize” it for some time. I however, hate huge flatscreen televisions. I think they remind me of people who make certain they can afford the biggest TV possible but don’t have any curtains at the window. Fur coat, no knickers scenario. Under duress, I set off to Comet to have a look at what was on offer.


I find electrical stores very stark and lacking in personality. The sales staff usually look really miserable and there is often a stench of stale sweat in air. Furthermore the harsh fluorescent lighting makes me look pale and ill. I had suggested that we buy the TV online to save a lot of hassle but my husband informed me that we needed to see the product in action. Great. There was row upon row of television screens which, in my amateur opinion, all looked the same. LCD, Plasma, Led and 3D, what the hell was the difference? They all looked fairly similar, aside from the 3D experience. The 3D experience was truly impressive. What size, does size matter? This was definitely a man’s world and I wondered off to try and find some more interesting products.

Real Deal

Finally my husband found the television which was going to change our whole viewing experience. Apparently we were going to feel like we were “really there”! I wasn’t so sure that this was a good thing, especially if the film was set in an Afghan village during the war. We made our way to the till and my husband gave the cashier the Comet coupons with the Comet voucher code details. The coupons were worthwhile and actually saved us £80.00 in total. I was just preparing to leave the shop when the sales consultant informed us that we could also find a Comet promo code online by visiting a site called A very helpful shop assistant but this means we are going to be visiting every week. I think I need to go home for a lie down.

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