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Quoting Plugin Marketing for WordPress Sites

Quoting Plugin Marketing for WordPress Sites

When we talk of a quoting plugin, sometimes what comes to mind is a different thing. Some people immediately associate it with famous sayings. But in reality, there’s another kind of plugin that goes by the same name. It’s used by WordPress site owners in marketing products and services online. And that’s what this article will discuss. It will be about the WordPress quoting plugin that provides estimates.

First of all, this kind of marketing is basically derived from already existing online business models, particularly email marketing. It also owes some background to PPC or pay per click advertising, as well as simple online advertising via ad platforms. Here’s the first way you can use a quoting plugin in your marketing efforts.

Perhaps the simplest way of doing it is by placing ads on your website. Simply sign up with AdSense, NuffNang, and other platforms so they can places advertisements on your site. The trick here is to make the plugin really useful if not fun so that it attracts a lot of traffic. Remember, ads will only make you money when they are viewed or clicked. Without traffic, this will not be possible.

And since you’re getting more traffic, why not try to convert your visitors into prospect buyers? How will you do it? Simple. Simply show them a copy of your sales page or letter along with the result given by the WordPress quoting plugin. This makes viewing the sales letter inevitable. One way to put it is to place the result directly above the letter’s headline. When your prospects buy the product you offer, you get to profit. No product to sell? No problem. You can simply find affiliates or people sellers who give commissions for every product you sell.

You can add an extra step and you can use the quoting plugin in a typical email marketing method. Simply put up a web form on the same page. People who opt in to that form can then receive email offers from you. Again, it doesn’t matter if you have a product or not. The offers can be your or that of your affiliates. What’s important is that they are relevant to your prospects.

Where do you get the extra traffic to make all this work? PPC. Pay for some advertising space and get your ads out there. Target the keywords related to the service your quoting plugin provides. People who click your ad, use the tool, and opt in on the form are likely motivated to buy.


Julienne Andrew

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