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Building More Leads With Web 2.0 and Social Networking Sites

Building More Leads With Web 2.0 and Social Networking Sites

When web 1.0 started in the nineties, we were in a totally static web pages that had few updates, then Web 1.5 gave us a more dynamic environment with the use of databases so why not a web 2.0? Web 2.0 has taken all this and combined it. Many web sites how there now have a dynamic nature to them. In addition, the search engines have notice this. This is why out of the top ten trafficked sites on the Internet today seven of them are web 2.0 sites.

The term Web 2.0 is known as the second generation of Web-based services, its focus is the collaboration, interactivity and the possibility of sharing content among users. And it’s not just a technology; rather it is the attitude with which we must work to develop online relationships with.

In Web 2.0, you will find various applications that extend the business purpose of the organizations; these are like blogs, Wiki, Widgets, and other interactive features. This is why in this article we will focus on the social networks.

Social networks have become a trend with many companies actively involved in social organizations known as Facebook, Twitter or MySpace and Squidoo between other things, these help to strengthen relationships with customers, partners and employees. In addition, to offer a 100% interactive environment allows them to extend the recognition of a brand that allows them to compete in an online market.

The social networking sites are a great way to build relationships, in fact that is what they are design for doing. In business, building a relationship with your customers will allow you to keep the customer coming back to you repeatedly. Thus, if you are not building high valued relationships with your customers, you are leaving money on the virtual table. Combining the two of web 2.0 and the social networks will allow you to connect with your customers and be more of a friend to them.

Social networks are transforming the way you do business online, by offering many advantages in its direct and effective communication with your customers. The creation of successful advertising campaigns and the disclosure of any initiative, activity, or project that may happen with the company. It also allows you to create a social following and work on any area of business and relationship building which has no limits.

Using web 2.0 and social media networking in to you’re marking plan is a wise idea. By doing so you will be building a streamline communication with your customers and be, building leads all at the same time. Building up a following will take and grow your business in to the next generation. Web 2.0 is even taking over the political process, websites like YouTube were being used to ask questions to the presidential candidates, and even now, the president has a MySpace page.

Next, I would Like to Give You This Top Marketing Methods Guide, By visiting web 2.0 business model – Keep in Touch, Follow Me on Twitter @ Nickolie0990

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