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Enjoy Hosting Garden Parties

Enjoy Hosting Garden Parties

Warm weather brings out the desire to do all things outdoors. What better way to bring together the fun outdoors and the ones you love, than hosting garden parties?

Some may balk at the thought of too much work, planning, or money, but with a few tips and some of your own creativity you’re sure to succeed. Whether you are hosting a garden party for family or friends, you will make lasting memories of your time together.

First, target your guests. Will they be your family, close friends, or a business group from work? What are the ages – only adults, only kids, or families? Next, choose the theme.

Choosing the theme of the party can be fun. Keep in mind your budget for the event, and have a good time planning!

If you have kids coming to the party, consider a butterfly/flower theme to entertain girls or an insect/outdoor animals theme to entertain boys, or both. If you are hosting teenagers or young adults, a Hawaiian luau or beach party scene may be in store. If you have chosen families you might set up a picnic style setting for kids while the adults might enjoy a more formal arrangement nearby, with real dishes and silverware.

Once your theme is set, begin the menu planning. If other families are invited, consider asking each to bring a favorite summer dish to share as a side or dessert. Even in a formal setting you can still choose easy to prepare and easy on the budget dishes.

Because warm weather brings bountiful produce, you can easily save money by choosing local fresh fruit and vegetables in your dishes. In fact, not only are they bountiful this time of year, but cold fruits and vegetables are very refreshing in the heat of outdoors. Consider making the meat into a side dish to be more cost effective for large groups.

Instead of buying lots of flowers or decorations, try growing some in recycled containers a couple weeks prior to. Seeds are very inexpensive, and you can save a variety of tin cans, remove the labels, fill with potting soil, and plant seeds of either flowers or a pretty vegetable. Marigolds, Mexican asters, and morning glory vines are quick growing. You can even send home a flower start with each guest as a memento.

There are so many ways to make your garden party a success without putting you into debt. Be creative and have fun!

You can read about how a <a href=””>picnic table</a> can be used for outdoor dining opportunities, as discussed by Simon Barnett. This article may be used by any website publisher, though this resource box must always be included in full.

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