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Benefits of Installing CMS Scripts on HostGator LAMP Hosting

Benefits of Installing CMS Scripts on HostGator LAMP Hosting

These days it seems there is a script for everything. You want to host a website there are several scripts for that, you want a website for hosting a community online, there is a website for that. You need a website that can charge users for buying stuff or your services there is a script for that. You need to host your photos online, there is an open source script for that too! In this wide and fast moving sea of open source scripts – it becomes important to have a hosting that can not only handle your scripts needs but also keep up with upgrades and additional needs in the future. Most of these scripts are based on one or another version of PHP. Some support PHP 4 which  is an old version of PHP with increasing number of security holes, other scripts require a PHP 5.3 or later version. Similarly the requirement for mySQL database also vary depending on a script and its version.

When you need a web application it’s a good idea to start narrowing down your script requirement. Clearly identify which type of script do you need? Will you be running a website just to put information out or do you need more of a community website? Once you have the script choices narrowed down to one or more scripts, you can find out what the system requirements for those scripts. You can then go and sign up for a hosting. Before you sign up you should ask hosting service provider if their service meets the requirements needed by your scripts, you can go ahead and sign up for the service. HostGator is one of the service provider that generally offers hosting that is up to date and supports most of the content management systems in use.

There are couple of ways to install your content management system on HostGator hosting. First approach is to use Fantastico installer. This comes as part of control panel inside the shared hosting account. It allows you to install different types of content management systems with a quick click of a button. You enter all the desired information on a simple page and then click install. This tool then goes ahead, installs the files and configures all the options that need to be configured for script or CMS system to work. It will also create an admin user so that the CMS is ready for use.

Second option is to use something called quick install. Quick install is a tool that comes exclusively with HostGator shared hosting accounts. It support more scripts and offers more features as compared to Fantastico. Process for script installation is very similar to that of earlier. You simple choose the script you wish to install, fill out the required fields and then go ahead with the install. Once the install is complete you will get a success or failure message along with any default database passwords. These passwords should be kept safe just in case if you ever need access to these resources.

Once you are done with installation, it’s a good idea to login and check how the installation is working. You can change the theme currently being used on the site or tweak the extensions/plugins currently installed.

I am a free lance writer who likes to write on the subject of cloud hosting and how they can be used effectively with other types of hosting services.

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