The CCNA certification exam 640-802 is a difficult exam and it requires deep understanding of the topics included in the CCNA syllabus and also a good hands-on experience. To build you should at least practice all the command mentioned in the official exam books. Some CCNA students buy a real CCNA lab to practice, some students use GNS3, and a lot of students use the popular CCNA network simulator: Packet tracer. In the coming paragraphs you’ll learn how to install Packet Tracer on Ubuntu.
Packet Tracer is available on Windows and Linux. The installation process under Windows is straightforward. However, if you plan to install it on Ubuntu, then you’ll need additional effort.
Read the following instructions in order to install Packet Tracer 5 on Ubuntu (you can also install it on Fedora, Mint, Debian, etc):
1. After downloading the software from Cisco website, copy Packet Tracer compressed file in your /home folder.
2. Open a Terminal console and to login as Root.
3. Type cd /home
4. Issue the statement “tar xzvf PacketTracer52.tar.gz” without quotes.
5. Type cd PacketTracer52
6. Issue ./install, and then follow the instructions that will appear until the end
7. Start Packet Tracer using the statement “$ packettracer” without quotes.
8. Create a shortcut to run Packet Tracer using the following information:
* Type: Application
* Name: Packet Tracer
* Command: packettracer
There is a second method to install Packet Tracer that consists of installing the Windows version of Packet Tracer using the wine command as follows:
* Download the file of Windows installation
* Launch the installation with Wine using the statement “wine / chemin/vers/PacketTracer5_setup.exe”
* Complete the installation process as if you do for any Windows application
Once the installation process finished, start Packet Trace using the statement “wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program \ Files/Packet \ To trace \ 5.0/bin/PacketTracer5.exe” .
The CCNA exam is not an easy exam, and I suggest you to get CCNA lab and a CCNA lab workbook to pass you exam and build up your routing and switching skills.