Website Hosting Deals and Review to find best reliable hosting providers with better price and top service

The basics of Web Hosting

The basics of Web Hosting

Web hosting is very often ignored by website owners, although a significant portion of it keeps the internet ticking in the right pace. What is web hosting actually? In short, it is a kind of service that allows an individual or a business to devise a unique venue in the internet – a website. Hosting companies that provide these services, own servers in the cyber space where the information or data of client websites are professionally hosted. Website owners (technically termed as webmasters) offer their data files to his/her web host for the purpose of storage and publication on the internet. Web hosting therefore offers people access to a specific hosted website from anywhere in the world, anytime.


While there are several brands of web hosting services available in the internet, only 2 categories of it are usually offered by the service providers–

Free web hosting
Paid web hosting

Free web hosting is no wonder a great idea for new/small businesses carrying a limited budget for chalking out a web presence.

Paid hosting on the other hand involves some amount of money and is more preferable for reputable businesses requiring more space and advanced features for expert business operations.

Paid web hosts will again offer a multitude of choice to the webmasters seeking hosting services from them, among which shared and dedicated web hosting are the most prominent ones. While the former comes at a cheaper cost with a shared IP address for all website owners surviving on the server, the latter provides a full server to the owner and is more focused and alert to all operational requirements of the user.

As new innovations arrive in the hosting turf, newer varieties of services like Video Hosting and Blog Hosting are also becoming popular. With a massive blogger community frequenting the cyber space on a regular basis, blog hosting is a very big thing for the new generation. Video hosting is complicated but it is also steadily gaining footage in the industry, considering the ease with which videos are hosted with the help of it.


An online presence

The first instant benefit that streams in with web hosting is a secure web presence. This brings along with it limited/unlimited storage space for the client website’s data and information, including images, audio and video. From 1 GB to 100 times more of it, or even higher – storage space is determined by the requirements and the fees paid for it.


Hosting also offers a webmaster a domain specific personalized email address which is definitely a better way to establish a creditable link with all potential customers.


Fortifying a website with adequate bandwidth is a very important function that a web host will perform, thus making it more convenient for visitors to visit/view it and increase the traffic footfall subsequently.

Web hosts of today have a package ready for all kinds of webmasters, with a gamut of options open for all. So whatever your requirements are, there’s one for you.

TopSEOHost provides you SEO hosting the advantage of Multiple C Class IP. With SEO hosting, each of your websites is assigned a unique Class C IP address, though you may have a hundred sites hosted on the same server. To learn more about basics of Web Hosting, please visit here:

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