The basic layout of the website is cheap, easily available and can also be downloaded easily. One just needs to fill in the required information and upload the pages. The whole process can be wrapped up in minutes. For any business man this would be the most convenient mode of advertising.
Is this sort of website really good for your business or just an eye wash? In the initial stages when the website is launched the business man is going to carry an ecstatic feeling of having a website. It takes some time for the businessman to realize the bitter truth about the template based websites.
Some of the core areas of concern are as follows:
Appearance: The website should be attractive and appealing to the prospective customers or clients. A product of website template would just mean that you have not got it developed professionally and you are finding short cuts to increase your business. A generic website fails at keeping the competition at bay and is usually not liked by the customers or clients. An ordinary looking website fails to impress the prospective customers or clients because most of these regularly surf the internet and can differentiate between the generic website and customized website.
Rigidity: The template website cannot be upgraded just because of the coding. The templates are based on minimization of coding. You cannot incorporate the features and functions of your choice into this sort of website. This sort of website is rigid and cannot be upgraded. When the website cannot be customized you can neither implement your ideas nor add pages. This can restrict the utility of the website to a great extent and the purpose for which it is designed may not be served at all.
Excluded: The worst thing with template websites is that they excluded by the search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. Most of your prospective buyers are sure to search for you in these search engines. If you are not found there, the prospective buyer may think of you to be in oblivion and may give his business to your competitor. What is the use of an unproductive website?
In the longer run the business man realizes that he / she has wasted money. It is possible that you may not be even able to recover the expenses that you have incurred at getting the template website.
It is always better to take professional assistance from a reputed professional company for the best return on investment on website design and development.
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