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Limitations Of Reseller Web Hosting Services

Limitations Of Reseller Web Hosting Services

Reseller hosting, though being a popular web hosting service, carries certain disadvantages to its basket. The primary reason is that many people have failed drastically by engaging into reseller hosting business, and today there are desperately seeking out ways to sell off some of the hosting accounts and make some money to cover their losses. The problem is not with the business, but with the approach of executing it, particularly how to pitch your customers. Besides other good reasons to think twice before getting into reseller web hosting is that in this type of business, even customers make everything so much harder and time consuming.

Other limitations of reseller web hosting are:

No time for your other activities Once you get involved into a reseller hosting business, you will understand the time and efforts it requires for the smooth running of the business. When you host clients, you must also be ready with their queries, problems and tantrums to entertain at all times. And if you are planning to have your own website with online business separate from your reseller hosting business, you may have a real hard time to cope up and manage both simultaneously.

Loss of money Supposedly after much hard work and spending money on a reseller hosting account on monthly basis, if you are unable to find good hosting customers, you have a sheer loss of money at the end of the day. At times even with hosting customers, you may have to go out of pocket to solve issues and customer problems where you have very less chances to recover them back even at a later stage. So until you have a big list of customers, reseller hosting business will make you lose some money.

No focus When you have constantly running through the customer problems and keeping your busy only in resolving them whole day, you tend to lose your focus too. This further keeps you away from your business and hence the focus that you need to build on it. Maintenance also takes the backstage.

Having a reseller hosting account is definitely not a bad idea. However, as you see above, you must thoroughly make up your mind that in order to get into this business will also make you lose money. You may like to check out the product reviews and learn more and more about them, to pitch accordingly to your hosting customers, without any regrets.

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